MOSTLY FREE PUBLIC LICENSE Version 1B, 29 Sep 2024 Copyright (c) 2024 Arthur Beck This document is governed under itself. MOSTLY FREE PUBLIC LICENSE GLOSSARY "This license" refers to version 1B of the Mostly Free Public License(MFPL). "The work" refers to any work governed by this license. "Modified work" refers to any modified version of any work governed by this license. "Works using this work" refers to any work using the governed work in any fashion, including the governed work being linked into a binary or in any other capacity, including the governed work being provided by the host system. TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTING, AND MODIFYING 1. Anyone may freely copy and distribute the work under the condition that they keep it clear who originally produced the work. 2. Upon distribution of a modified work, the modifier should change the name or otherwise make it clear that the work has been modified. 3. All modified works or works using this work must comply with this license, however they are not required to adopt this license for their own use. 4. Commercialization by modified works or works using this work is not allowed, even including credit. 5. Any compiled or otherwise obfuscated version of the work should either provide the source code or provide a link to the source code.